3 Annual Maintenance Appointments You Need for Your House

3 Annual Maintenance Appointments You Need for Your House

Owning a home comes with many responsibilities and one of the most important is keeping up with annual home maintenance appointments. While there are many aspects of your home that should be maintained regularly, there are some that should be at the top of the list every year. Let’s take a look at some of the most important appointments you need for your home, and why they should be handled by professionals.

Air Conditioning/HVAC

Besides the normal filter replacement that you should be maintaining every six months or so, it’s important to have a licensed HVAC technician inspect your home’s air conditioning system before the start of the A/C season. While their inspection and service won’t take long, it will give you valuable information on the condition of one of the most important systems in your home, and will help to prolong the life of the components, saving you from expensive and inconvenient repairs. Many of the homes experience extensive A/C usage during the peak summer months and should be maintained and serviced accordingly.


Roofing materials can take a beating, especially in the dramatic weather events that often occur in Central Florida. Having a roofing expert come out to inspect and maintain your roof will ensure your home is in the best position to keep rain and weather out, and to maintain the structural integrity of the roof for as long as possible. Poorly maintained roofing can lead to leaks that can damage other aspects of the home and often go undetected until it’s too late.

Septic System

Another of your most important home systems is the septic system, and it should be treated as such. Most septic service companies recommend your system be pumped and inspected every year to ensure optimal function and to avoid potentially costly issues like backups and leaks. Due to the underground nature of the system, issues can arise that most homeowners won’t be able to see or recognize until it is too late, while an expert will be able to immediately identify and rectify issues early on.

So Why Professional Maintenance?

While YouTube and the internet can teach you many things about your home and how to fix small issues, professional maintenance on major systems of the home is a must. The knowledge and expertise of trained professionals allows them to spot issues, and sometimes more importantly, potential issues before they arise. This knowledge also allows for safer maintenance when dealing with electrical systems and potential heights (roofing maintenance) that can come with these check ups.

If you purchased your home with a home warranty (or purchased one for your home as an afterthought) that provides coverage and guarantee for major systems in your home, professional maintenance is a must to maintain eligibility for the warranty program. Most home warranty programs will only provide repair rewards for systems failure if you can prove there was appropriate maintenance carried out by professional technicians. Using unlicensed maintenance providers or attempting to attend to the maintenance of these systems yourself can put you in jeopardy of costly repairs down the line if your warranty is deemed void.

Annual home maintenance on major systems is one of the biggest responsibilities of a homeowner, and should be a priority every year. Finding professionals who can help you take the best care of your home possible will ensure your systems are working properly when you need them to. It is often better to take the time to ensure your systems are properly maintained than to have to deal with an inconvenient and costly repair or system replacement down the line. Also, if you having paying STR guests staying in your property it’s very important to keep everything in tip top shape and fully functioning and maintained in order to avoid unhappy guests. Also, when you come to sell your property, if it has been excellently maintained throughout your ownership, then you will be able to achieve a premium for your home!

Contact us today for further questions. We look forward to serving you!