We have a Huge List of prospective Buyers from our E-Newsletter. Why is this an advantage for our Sellers, you might ask.

A couple of years ago we started our Campaign to reach more prospective buyers directly and we currently have over 10,000 people who receive our Fortnightly E-Newsletter.

What advantages does this have for our Seller clients, you might ask. Well, lot of these Disney Fans love to come on vacation down to Disney every year and are real die hard fans and so a lot of these travelers, after a period of time, will look to purchase a vacation home or investment property in our local area. This means that a lot of buyers do come direct to us for these services.

For our sellers, this is a huge advantage because it means we can introduce our listings direct to these types of buyers and they can purchase the listing direct from us, which means that we can offer a reduction in commission in this kind of sale. Along with all the other traditions ways of marketing your home, you are be sure to gain a great exposure and timely sale.

Are you thinking of selling over the coming months into the near future? If so, please contact us and we can explain in further detail to you.

CLICK HERE to request your FREE Property Evaluation Report

We look forward to assisting you with all your real estate needs into the future.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 321 284 3600