What a difference a year makes! currency wise that is!

dollars into pounds

What a difference a year makes!    This year being the election year, it is predicted for very favourable currency exchange rates for both British and Canadian & European Sellers!!
Here is a chart below with some examples of savings that some of our sellers have made by selling this month, rather than last year.
The rate of exchange in May 2015 was 1.57
The rate of exchange today is 1.44……..a difference of 13 cents or pence

Property Price USD GBP May 2015 GBP today GBP difference
$250,000 159,235  GBP 173,610 +14,375 GBP
$340,000 216,560  GBP 236,110 +19,550 GBP
$450,000 286,624  GBP 312,500 +25,876 GBP

What a huge difference!
*rates are a snapshot at 9:20 EST on February 11, 2016
*this is for illustration purposes